My husband and i are planning to go to Paris on Sept 1 until Sept 4, we are taking a cruise out of Civitavecchia, Italy. This is our first time to Europe, we would really appreciate any hotel recomendations for those 2 nights. Also is transportation from the airport to a hotel expensive? we will also need transporatation from the hotel to the port. and from the port to the airport.
We spoke to a travel agent and they are offering us a room at the hilton in Paris for 2 nights, including transportation to the hotel , to the port and back to the airport for $720.00 total for the 2 of us. I know that theres got it be cheaper rates for hotels in paris, how ever i don%26#39;t know if transportation is expensive or not. can someone help PLEASE!!! i really appreciated.
A taxi from the airport is around $50.00. Do a search on this sight for more info. I%26#39;m sure you can spend less on a hotel but I%26#39;m not sure what your expectaions are. The Hilton is a modern highrise hotel. There are smaller, quainter hotels that are more appealing to me. Also are you detrmined o stay in a particular area? Hotels that I have stayed in and liked are as follows: Hotel Champ Du Mars (7th) Hotel Tryppe De Saxe (7th) Hotel Mercure Ronceray (9th) Hotel Chopin(very basic) Hotel Splendid (7th) and Hotel Etoile Regina (17). If you stay in this last one you can take the Airfrance bus for around $12 and walk a short way to the hotel. It is near the Arche De Triompe.
I%26#39;m sure others here can offere up even better choices. I%26#39;m not too picky about my hotels as long as they are clean and comfortable.
Two hotels I did not like are the Novetel. Its a big highrise near the statue of Liberty and Mercure Gare Lazarre. I will never stay near a train staion again in Paris after that experience. Street noise was terrible.
Your post is confusing.
You say %26quot;we will also need transporatation from the hotel to the port. and from the port to the airport.%26quot;
In Paris, which is inland on a river, and doesn%26#39;t have traditional %26quot;port%26quot; traffic?
Or in Italy? If it%26#39;s Italy, you need to get that advice on an Italy board.
How much do you want to pay for a Paris hotel, what%26#39;s your ideal/realistic budget? That would help those of us who want to help you.
It might help if you provided more DETAIL on your Paris / Cruise ? Will you be arriving in Paris from the US, spending a few days and then going on to Italy to begin your cruise? or flying to Italy to begin your cruise and then heading to Paris for a few days before returning home. I can%26#39;t quite imagine a Paris stop as part of a Mediterranean cruise itinerary.
Thank you for your advise Suzzane,
To be honest with you my husband and i don%26#39;t even know where to start. we%26#39;re not picky about hotels. like you said as long as they are clean is ok with us. We just want to see a little bit of Paris before we go on the cruise. do you know where Civitavecchiam, Italy is? Would that be too far if we stay in Paris? We would need tranportation to the port from the hotel and i%26#39;m trying to figure out if doing it on our own would be cheaper than booking thru a travel agency. I really don%26#39;t know anything about Europe so i apologize if i ask silly questions. Any suggestions on Tours or Must see. ? Thank you!
Now i%26#39;m confused. Paris is not anywhere near to anyplace in Italy. Please tell us more details of your trip so we can attempt to clarify this.
Honestly, you probably need to see a travel agent and take (and pay for) some advice. Italy is a LONG way from Paris, equivalent to getting from New Jersey to Chicago in terms of distance.
Oh my goodness, you really need to get some better help than most of us can give you- Civitavecchia, Italy is the port for Rome , Italy. If you are not seasoned travelers and are so confused already,I really would strongly urge you not to fly in to Paris and try to navigate your way to Italy. It doesn%26#39;t sound like you have much travel experience and Paris is far from Rome- you will have a long and expensive trip from Paris to Rome.
If you have not yet purchased your airline flight I would urge you to forget Paris on thsi trip and fly directly to Rome a day or two before your cruise to give you time to adjust to the many hours time change and make your way to the Port at your leisure. If you visit the Rome Forum, you will find many good hotel suggestions and most hotels will, for an extra fee, arrange for a driver to be at the Airport to transport you to their hotel and to take you tothe Port the next day .
I am all for independent travel, but you don%26#39;t seem experienced enough and if you have no sense of where these places actually are , you are greatly adding to your stress level-
Save Paris for your next trip- ther%26#39;s more than enough to see and do in Rome and after your first trip you will have learned enough to do a more complicated trip next time.
I really wonder if the travel agent you are using has your best interests at heart or is sending you on a complicated journey to generate more commission. I urge you to reconsider your plan ( what little there is) if it is not to late to modify it.
Sorry guys i don%26#39;t mean to confuse anyone.
This is the plan, we are flying from the united states, Sept1 our travel agent offer us a hotel at the Hilton in Paris from the 1-4, how ever the 4th we are schedule to take a cruise out of Civitavecchia, (Rome), Italy It is a Meditteranean 12 day cruise that will go to Naples, Italy, Dubrovnik, Croatia: Venice,Messina, sicily , Italy. Barcelona, Spain, Cannes, France Livorno Italy. and return to Civitavecchia Italy. Now i%26#39;m confused do you think i should book a hotel in Italy for those 2 days? Is it really that far? I guess i have to call my travel agent again... Guys thank you for your help, we just would like to take advantage of the weekend before taking the cruise.
I think the advice that you%26#39;ve been given, to fly to Rome a day or two in advance of your cruise, is sound advice.
Skip Paris, save it for another trip, it%26#39;s very far away.
Here%26#39;s another reason to go to Rome a day or two early in advance of your cruise: if you book a plane flight from Paris to Rome, and it gets canceled or delayed, and you miss the launch of your cruise, your cruise line will not wait for you. The ship leaves whether you are on it or not. It would get very expensive to catch up with the ship at some other location. Read the cruise line%26#39;s warnings about being there at launch time, I%26#39;m sure they are quite explicit about what happens if you miss the launch.
I have to agree - I think you should go straight to Italy. As much as I love Paris...and I mean I really LOVE Paris...I would save it for another trip. If you go straight to Italy you%26#39;ll have time to get acclimated and be more relaxed. Rome has a lot to offer.