Thursday, March 29, 2012

Creperie in the 6th?

I am trying to find out the name and exact street of a creperie I have eaten at and want to recommend to someone who will be visiting Paris. I know that it is in the 6th, the building was yellow, and was on one of those great little streets around rue de buci and rue Jacob. It is a very small restaurant and has an upstairs. Anyone know of this place? Well, if not, if you can recommend a great creperie in the 6th, please do!



Hi lindasp62,

I attempted to check it out, but I must be color blind or something (couldn%26#39;t see yellow).

What I%26#39;d suggest you do is to go to and type in %26#39;creperie%26#39; under %26#39;quoi.%26#39; Then put %26#39;paris 6%26#39; under %26#39;ou%26#39; and %26#39;localite.%26#39; It lists ten creperies, and you can check out pictures of the buildings and map them (looking for rue Jacob and rue de buci). I hope you find it! Remember to also put in other search terms if it doesn%26#39;t work out, like if it is also a restaurant or the like. Sometimes the Pages Jaunes are funny with the categories. BTW, I thought that the creperies near Montparnasse (not too far from the 6eme) were generally considered the best. Is there a reason for this specific location, or are you open to other suggestions?



Well I am very interested in your suggestions ...foolish.....if nobody else is......we will be staying in the 16th at Le Parc.....any good ones in that general area?


Thanks, kell82, but I%26#39;m afraid I don%26#39;t have any! The 16th is a bit of a mystery to me, except that the area near Porte Dauphine is quite nice--with %26#39;le parc%26#39; on one side, and some quality restaurants %26#39;toward%26#39; the city. Some of the apartments near there are also quite spectacular.

I%26#39;m sure some of the real Paris experts can be of assistance, though. Folks?


Foolish....It was worth a try. I will keep checking back to see if anyone has some suggestions. Thanks anyway!


Well, I found it! It is called Creperie Saint-Germain, and it is at 33, rue Saint-Andre-des Arts. Foolish...thanks for your suggestions, and trying to find it. Yes, there are great creperies in the Moufftard area, but this part of St Germain des Pres is %26quot;my%26quot; neighborhood when I am in Paris, and it is just a place I like to go. The last time however, it must have been 1,000 degrees in the restaurant. I am not sure why,but we still had a great meal. I also enjoy tea at Mariage Freres in this neighborhood as well. Merci bien!


There are a couple of creperies locatated along rue Saint André des Arts, but I can%26#39;t recall either having a yellow front...or a second floor.

CRÊPERIE des ARTS-- 27 rue Saint Andrée des Arts (at rue Gut-le-Coeur--across from Corocran%26#39;s Irish Pub)75006

Le CRÊPERIE SAINT GERMAIN--33 rue Saint André des Arts, 75006

If you recall this creperie--with a yellow-front, with an second floor / mezzanine (natural stone-facade back wall)--from a visit sometime in the late-90s, there was a little place called CRÊPERIE DAUPHINE--located along rue Dauphine, between Carrefour de Buci and Pont Neuf. Unfortunately, it was there for a year or two and then closed. The restaurant front was painted bright yellow with a royal blue, sign lettering.

There%26#39;s also a litt;e hole-in-the-wall creperie at the quai des Grand Augustines end of rue Dauphine...but the front of this tiny little place was never anything other than %26#39;..non-descript..%26#39;.


I think you%26#39;re referring to A la Bonne Crepe which is on Rue Gregoire de Tours.



I was last at this particulat creperie in 2004....Creperie-Saint-Germain on Cafe-des-Arts..however, maybe I am completely off the mark with remembering it as a yellow color. For sure it had a second floor, as I ate up there prior to 2004. I also remember the windows in the front opening. The whole place was teeny-tiny. Further search on Tripadvisor, I found someone who wrote a hotel review for Sully Saint Germain on Feb. 20, 2006 , and mentiioned this particular creperie, so I am sure it is still there! All that said......anyone have a favorite creperie???????/


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;anyone have a favorite creperie???????/%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

YES---actually it%26#39;s the same one---CrÊPERIE SAINT GERMAINE (not the one across from Cocorans) on rue Saint Andrée des Arts...and I recall the front-openning and it as being tiny. On the several occasions over the years that we%26#39;ve stopped in (we%26#39;ve usually stayed on rue Dauphine, so it%26#39;s right in the neighborhood) we%26#39;ve always had a table in the front windows...and I guess I never noticed a second level.


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