Thursday, March 29, 2012

Best affordable restaurants in Paris


What are the best affordable restaurants in Paris ? I don%26#39;t mean ultra-cheap eats, but excellent restaurants with gentle bill.

Merci beaucoup,

Frédéric Costin



Qu%26#39;est-ce que c%26#39;est %26quot;un prix abordable%26quot;? If you can give us a guideline, we can better answer your question!


Affordable ? Well, let%26#39;s say quelque chose like 20-30 euros per person...


La Pre Verre. Rue Thenard in the Latin Qtr.


Hmm, 20-30 for dinner is going to be tough. If you can kick it up to 30-40, you%26#39;ll have a very nice selection.

In the cheaper category, however, you might try Chez Omar in the 3rd for couscous or Le Petit Picard in the Marais for traditional French. There will be many neighborhood bistros where you%26#39;ll be able to find a very good, but not memorable meal in the 20-30 range.


Ok then, what about 30-40 euros ? What do you recommend ?


Le Restaurant du Marche on the rue Dantzig in the 15th.

Le Pied du Fouet on the rue de Babylone in the 7th.

But for the best value for your dollar L%26#39;Epi du Pin on the rue dupin in the 7th. 31 E menu for some of the best cooking in the city. Fresh ingredients, traditional dishes, and a madern twist.


Anyone got a phone number for L%26#39;Epi du Pin? I can%26#39;t find it online...


L%26#39;Epi Dupin is 42 22 64 56 - it%26#39;s closed Sat, Sun and lunch on Mon. Reservations a must.


Leon Des Bruxelles...Great restaurant for seafood, especially Mussles...There%26#39;s one in Champs Elysee and around Sacre Couer area...


Since we will be in Paris for two Sundays, one of which will involve meeting friends traveling from Britain for dinner what restaurants would you suggest that are open on Sunday? 30-40 Euros is OK. Would prefer something fairly central that we could walk to from the 1st, if possible.


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