Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Travel Insurance (Medical)

Hello Everyone! I am a newbie to overseas travel and I have been trying to do my homework. Upon reading serveral posts about medical insurance abroad and coverage I checked out some insurance web sites that were recommended. But before taking the plunge I called our insurance company that we have our medical insurance with and found out that they offer us coverage abroad! 100% coverage for emergency! Seems Blue Cross Blue Shield has worldwide coverage and an awesome site to help plan your trip.......bluecares.com for anyone with BCBS. It lists participating doctors/hospitals will their addresses and phone numbers at the destinations that you will be traveling...You can customize your own travel guide to print out and take with you of all the important numbers. You can even add the local Embassy address and phone number to your guide. It was so helpful. I guess the point of this posts is to check with your insurance carrier before you decide to purchase other insurnace. It could save you some money!


So they will pay for the treatment up front..?

Or you will pay the provider then make a claim when you get home?


They will pay up front if it is at one of their healthcare providers and you can access their website to find out who they are in any given area that you are traveling.....if you are not going to one in the network you have to pay up front but as long as you get a complete itemized bill from the provider you file a claim upon your return...you have to meet your deductable if it is not an emergency and you will be refunded up to 80%......you don%26#39;t even have to get the itemized bill in English....they are worldwide and have translators so no worry about a non English bill. Just carry your card and you are set.

I access their web site and found there are hospitals, family practice, general practice and specialty doctors all participating.


Every plan is different. Some may cover 100% and without out-of-pocket prepayment. So don%26#39;t.


soME don%26#39;t.


Before I made a decision I%26#39;d check out the various policies available through insuremytrip.com, being sure that whichever policy you choose provides assistance in foreign countries.


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