I hope the question doesn%26#39;t sound stupid,but I know french wines can be very expensive and I just don%26#39;t want to be in an embarrassing situation while trying to buy wine there.
no no no, its ok- thank american marketing for your... illusionment.
u can find great wines at ALL prices, and many you fill find arent in the states, so take advantge and bring 2 of each home: one to save, and one to drink the minute your back ;)
oh, and one late night when my friends and I needed to buy some wine for a picnic... we were suprised to find 3 bottles that cost us no more than 20 euros(not each, together).. and u know- it wasnt one of the better wines ive tried, but it sure beat out a lot of californians that were worth 3 times the amount!
ps... theres alot of wine shops, and i think the natives on here can advise you better than i can. and well, though ive been allowed wine from an early age- im no seasoned connaisseur, so ive found the wine chain, %26quot;nicolas%26quot;... i think that was the name, to be pretty good in finding what i needed when i was in paris.
good luck.
A few years ago we discovered the great selection and prices available at the grocery stores in Paris. Monoprix, Franprix, Supermarche. There is no need to spend alot of money to get good wine in paris. We actually bought many bottles of wine for under $5.00. You can also find good champagne at really great prices. there are many good wine stores too. they usually have all the expensive wines as well as the affordable ones. The wine shop on Rue Cler always has a display of the wine of the week which we alwyas buy. The owner of that store is very nice and helpful.
Thanks so much guys.
Of course you can also find cheap wine in Paris! A bottle might cost you 2 euro in a supermarket, though you obviously can%26#39;t expect much for that price. In a supermarket outside Paris, I once bought some bottles (not even %26#39;vin de table%26#39; or %26#39;vin de pays%26#39; but AOC!) for 1.85 euro -- which makes you wonder how they can make a profit...
Most supermarkets have a decent range of wines, ranging from the cheap plonk to excellent champagnes and vintages.
Go to Le Dernier Goutte, 6 rue Bourbon-le-Chateau in the 6th, in the St. Germaine du Pre neighborhood. The owner is American, and he%26#39;s got wines you won%26#39;t see in too many other places--especially %26quot;country%26quot; wines from the Languedoc, Roussillon, Cahors, etc. Some of his stuff is expensive; some of it is very reasonably priced. I make a point of visiting him whenever I%26#39;m in the city. He also owns the %26quot;Fish%26quot; restaurant and %26quot;Cosi%26quot; bakery, both on Rue de Seine, nearby.
You blokes are paying too much for your plonk!
My local MiniCasino does an acceptable (by that, I mean It stays down) wine for 1.61Euro a litre (red or white) or 5 litres for 7euro. It isnt the best of vintages, and as Monty Python says %26quot;this is a wine with a message%26quot;. but it IS there.
This will be my new tipple now I%26#39;m poor.
There is a chain-store %26quot;Nicolas%26quot; which is all over Paris
They have both affordable wine and the really %26quot;de luxe%26quot;-stuff.
In supermarkets and at the local grocery they often have white wine and champagne/vin mousseux in a refrigerator - to bring along on a picnic or to take to your room. There are also often small bottles for sale (about 25 cl.) - nice picnic size.
Forgot about Nicolas. They%26#39;re reasonably priced, and they really are just about everywhere--according to their website, there are 129 stores in metropolitan Paris.
You have also another good chain %26quot;Au repaire de Bacchus%26quot;.
Great webiste to find a wine shop near your hotel :
Any of these shops you%26#39;ll find very affordable wines from a few euros. If you plan to have a picnic, buy your cheese first and tell you ara lokking fo a %26quot;littel wine%26quot; to eat with that particular cheese !
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