Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Older students using ISIC student discount cards in Paris??

Here%26#39;s a question for Parisiens (-iennes) and others:

My friend and I will be going to Paris in the fall. We will both be full-time grad students, and we have an ISIC student ID card (as well as our university ID cards). I am in my early 40s, he is in his late 20s.

Will we be able to take advantage of student discounts in Paris, or will they think we are scamming them? Has anyone has any problems/issues with older students using these type cards to take advantage of discounts?

Thanks for any information/insight on this.

Rick in Maryland


It is my understanding that the cut-off age is 26. I traveled with a friend last September who had an ID from a university in the states, and some places made him show his passport as well, to verify his age (he was 28 at the time). Because he looks like he could be young enough, sometimes his ID was enough to get the discount. But the times they checked his birth date, he paid full price. The exception to that would be if you are %26quot;students of artistic curricula%26quot;. If you bring proof of that, some museums will let you in for free, although I don%26#39;t know what hoops you have to jump through.


I used a student card for museum reductions two years ago and there is no way I am under 26. (I was in fact a student and had the ISIC card.) No one blinked.


You are not scamming them, as you do legitimately have the ISIC card. Some places do have the student discount cutoff at 26. But as long as you produce the ISIC card and ask for student discount, you put everything on the table, it%26#39;s up to them to provide the discounts.


Thanks folks for the update. The people in the London website said basically the same thing -- if you have the card and valid university ID, ask for it, you are entitlted.

Rick in Maryland


You do need to carry your student ID card to produce with the ISIC card to prove you are a student. The main problem with places that say %26quot;students under 26%26quot; is that the ISIC cards are readily available for about 20Euros (especially in Italy, for some reason)


I dont have an ISIC card do have my student card from my uni....my questions to all you experts are 1) can i use this for discounts in paris? %26amp; 2) what places take them and what places would you recommend going to because they give big discounts with student cards???

Also, this is off-topic but i know some of you can help. I have 1full day in Paris and want to see as many sites in the city as possibile. Not really for culture, more for photo-ops as the photos will be published. What do you recommend is the quickest/easiest way to see all the landmark sites in 1day....we will go to the eiffel tower and the acr at night for photos, do you suggest any-other sites to get pics for at night.....bearing in mind that we will be doing it en-route while we are going out for the night parting. We will be eating in the champs area and taking in the arc there.....is there anymore sights to quickly get a photo in this area. Where is that trangular glass building thing???

Sorry for all the questions!!!


I%26#39;ve found places will not accept US student ID cards for discounts, and most insist in the ISIC student ID.

The %26quot;pyramid thing%26quot; is the entrance to the Louvre museum, just off the Tuileries. It is brightly lit at night, and a nice photo. Closest metro is Palais Royale-Musee du Louvre or Tuileries.

Rick in Maryland


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