I%26#39;m going to the French Open and have a clothes question: what do they wear to the matches? I%26#39;ve been to the US Open which is very casual (and usually pretty warm weatherwise). I%26#39;ve seen a lot of discussions on this site about clothes and concerns about under-dressing. My guess is that it%26#39;s still a bit cool in late May/early June. Any ideas? Also, if anyone else has gone to the French, any tips on getting the most of the experience? (I got some great advice on Wimbledon from TA last year...)
Oh, one last thing, are there TA get-togethers in Paris? I attended one of the TA London Forum meetups when I was there for Wimbledon. It was a great way to meet fellow travellers. Anyone in Paris the last week of May?
The 23rd of May we are having a get together at the local Carnival Museum. This is a special place and a relatively rare opportunity. You are welcome to join us.
For the Open, I don%26#39;t know the rules, but I would tend to go with what ever worked at Wimbledon. Knowing the locall scene, I would expect most men to wear slacks with a button up shirt and a blazer while women will most likely be wearing a t-shirt with a skirt or jeans with heels and a top. It is all supposition, of course.
I%26#39;ve been to the last 7 or 8 Open tournaments and the weather has usually turned by then- no guarantees that will happen this year. It%26#39;s usually warm. You will see lots of shorts and tennis shirts, T-shirts,sometimes sweaters, with umbrellas of course. If you stay late to watch a match bring a sweater. It MAY be needed as the sun goes down. Also, bring sun screen-because you can easily get fried..... Don%26#39;t worry about the type of attire. Sneakers, shorts, and T- shirts are everywhere.
If you%26#39;re having lunch at one of the formal restauarnts there- you%26#39;ll see more formal attire- even jackets for men. And, there are tons of stands to eat at that are not formal of course.
Tip: There are 3 main stadiums, with one smaller one, and annex courts, Each of the stadiums have separate tickets. The annex courts you can enter and sit anywhere once your%26#39;re inside the complex. If you want to get into another stadium to watch other matches without having to buy that venue, wait outside the exit ramps and gates of that stadium. As people leave the matches ask them for their stubs. Many leave early. If you are patient you should get one in case there is a match you want to see inside. Usually mid afternoon you%26#39;ll see folks start to filter out or head home.
You are in for a treat. It is a really great open. I have been several times and froze one year and wilted the next. Come prepared for either. I always wear long pants or jeans to protect my legs from sunburn. Everyone seems very casual on the whole. I also bring my own sandwich and drink as everything is expensive there and the lines to buy them are crazy. My favorite thing to do there is by the Open merchandise, especially t-shirts and hats. They make great gifts for people back home.
I%26#39;m so glad I saw this thread. While I don%26#39;t have questions about clothing, I do have a question about retrieving your tickets. We were notified by email that our request for 4 tickets had been granted. Our credit card was charged, and now how do I actually get the tickets? Are they mailed to me here in the US? Do I claim them at the ticket counter? What documentation do I need if I should have to claim them? Thanks for your help.
tmynatt: I responded to your other post regarding this, but, just in case: I%26#39;m still waiting to get my tickets also. I%26#39;m going to give it another week and then call.
phread: thanks for the invite, but, we don%26#39;t arrive till the 26th. Have fun!
And, thanks all for the Open tips. We%26#39;re looking forward to it!
Thanks for the info. It makes me think: what can we bring into Roland Garros? I checked the site and didn%26#39;t see any information on what%26#39;s OK and what%26#39;s not. I%26#39;m assuming they have a security check. Most places in the US allow a backpack and water. I can%26#39;t remember what the US Open or Wimbledon allowed. But, It sounds like you brought food and drink....do you know what they allow at RG?
Are cameras/video allowed inside? I think the ticket says no....
I always take a backpack in with my food and a sweater and hat. There is a security line and they%26#39;ve never not let me in. I also take my camera. I didn%26#39;t go to the French Open last year so maybe things have changed but I don%26#39;t think so.
Thanks. What%26#39;s the best way to get to RG? Metro, Line 10? Or taxi?
good question, are camera%26#39;s allowed? I%26#39;m really excited about going to the French Open. The only other tennis I saw was the SAP Open in San Jose. Also, any recommendations on when to get there and how?
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