After reading several posts about what to wear (and I understand everyone seems tired of talking about) but what is the dress code for the specific attractions. What type of clothing should men and women in their mid to late 20’s be wearing? I would like to know what type of clothes we should be packing for our first trip to Paris. TIA
if you do a search with the words %26quot;what to wear%26quot; or %26quot;clothes%26quot; you%26#39;ll find numerous past threads on the subject.
Personally, I think as long as you are dressed appropriately for the particular activity or venue and are clean that is all you need.
Jeans are very popular as long as they aren%26#39;t the (dreadful) distressed style so popular in America. The style worn is more tailored.
In churches, it is not appropriate to show up in bike shorts and a tank top - pants or skirts with shoulders covered shows the proper respect for a house of worship regardless of your own affiliation.
For ladies in the summer, skirts are actually cooler than shorts and look very classy anywhere you go.
Overall, people will probably tell you that if you dress a bit conservatively you%26#39;ll fit right in.
Nowadays, I think people of different ages dress more or less the same. I don%26#39;t think my attire differs much from that of people a generation younger than me. However, your attire should suit the occasion, and common sense tells you that you%26#39;re not going to dine in a fine restaurant if you%26#39;re dressed too casually. Whereas daytime travel is concerned, various threads on this forum have adequately shown that there is no consensus on this topic. Some people stress comfort, while others insist on being fashionable at all times. In the end, you%26#39;re going to do what you feel is best.
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Removed on: 7:09 am, June 03, 2006|||
I think you americans are cute, thinking of what to wear, in one way its very respectfull, Ive never in my life considered that, I do my style, except if I go to for example a strict muslim country and sometimes if I go to places wear I know Im going to get one million catcalls I try to dress a little less sexy than usuall (not that it helps much, think the gringa look is the proplem).
In Europe we do think that americans in general dress bad, but hell some europeans dress very bad to (germans and eastern europeans for example, if i dare to say that hehe) , and Paris is not a very fashinable city (despite of many great designers french people in general tends to dress down).
So wear what you like, whats comfterble.
One thing most europeans and specially french people really DONT like with americans is the way you eat, only using the fork, thats considered very bad manner if your not home alone, we might not say anything but we all do notice! So please fork in left hand, knife in right and use both at all times!
it depends on where your staying, where your going, and your social circles.
If your staying at the Bristol, you wont need to leave the shops of the 8eme to get an idea of what you %26quot;should%26quot; be wearing. but more likely, you wont be staying at the Bristol, your in your 20%26#39;s, and you would already know that haute couture would be the response to this question.
i can write these few tips:
-wear what looks good on you: if it doesnt- EVEN if its in vouge, dont.
-as a generalization, go for a chic cosmopolitan (rather than country club look)
-sleek dark pants, or even a flattering pencil skirt- would be great in the evenings.
- go for neutrals in your outfits, and get one splash of color that can make u stand out, but not %26quot;scream%26quot;.
- wear sneakers (or men, loafers): they%26#39;re comfortable. if you can afford a sleek european pair, awesome. if not, get any in a dark brown or black- so you can mix and match easier.
- and as for makeup, make it natural, though perhaps a spot of color here and there will do the trick.
remember, all these tips can be refuted by counterexample. they arent precise, becuase in the most visited city in the world: the fashion isnt precise either.
I think Swedish people are cute the way they triple their posts.
Seriously, it%26#39;s hard to keep up with all the do%26#39;s and the don%26#39;ts while on vacation. I can understand that there are dress codes in some places like cathedrals and fine dining etc.
Every culture has differences and it%26#39;s good to appreciate each other but we should not expect people to have to read a guide book on behaving like us before they come to our country.
Maybe I have a different slant on this because of our bilingual culture here in Canada.
Dear onward
Im sorry my computer does that sometimes I dont know why, I just press ones, its damn irretating, I whish they had delete functions here=)
I think you should be yourself too, even if it ofcause depends on what youre doing, but if you desperatly want to fit in then I just suggest to focus more on things were there actaully is a diffrentce that we notice=)
I just have to say that I find americans to be maybe the most nice and welcomming people in the world, so Im, in contrast to most people in this world very positive to americans (read people from the US, everyone outside US love you canadians, your like sweden, you never do anything so people never have a chance to get mad)
Dont you have problems in Canada between french and english?
Have a great day!
Do you notice that you have multiple insults in your posts? Maybe it%26#39;s a language difficulty, but WOW...I would never say these things about people from other countries.
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Removed on: 8:37 am, June 03, 2006|||
this is called our %26quot;sociological imaginations%26quot;. they are based on social contructs, and primarily, our experiences. durkheim would be something to read right about now... be back later
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