Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NHL playoffs in Paris

I%26#39;m going to be in Paris while during the Stanley Cup finals of hockey. As a significant Edmonton Oilers fan and a true Canadian, I%26#39;m quite worried about not finding a place to watch the games. Does anyone have an idea? A bar with a tv that likes hockey? A hockey fan who may understand my plight? I%26#39;m desparate here!



THere are a couple of Canadian bars in town which are almost bound to be showing this.

The Moosehead (M° Odéon, rue des Quatres Vents) %26amp; The Beaver (M° Pont Marie, rue des deux ponts) here%26#39;s the website for further details



Two places---owned, operated and frequented by Canadian ex-pats--come readily to mind (pretty good saloons too)--

The MOOSE--16 rie des Quartre Vents, 75006, Metro: ODEON %26amp; MABILLON

The BEAVER--19 rue des Deux Ponts, 75004 (on Île Saint Louis), Metro: Pont Marie



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