Thursday, March 29, 2012

Serious Question

After reading several posts about what to wear (and I understand everyone seems tired of talking about) but what is the dress code for the specific attractions. What type of clothing should men and women in their mid to late 20’s be wearing? I would like to know what type of clothes we should be packing for our first trip to Paris. TIA


if you do a search with the words %26quot;what to wear%26quot; or %26quot;clothes%26quot; you%26#39;ll find numerous past threads on the subject.

Personally, I think as long as you are dressed appropriately for the particular activity or venue and are clean that is all you need.

Jeans are very popular as long as they aren%26#39;t the (dreadful) distressed style so popular in America. The style worn is more tailored.

In churches, it is not appropriate to show up in bike shorts and a tank top - pants or skirts with shoulders covered shows the proper respect for a house of worship regardless of your own affiliation.

For ladies in the summer, skirts are actually cooler than shorts and look very classy anywhere you go.

Overall, people will probably tell you that if you dress a bit conservatively you%26#39;ll fit right in.


Nowadays, I think people of different ages dress more or less the same. I don%26#39;t think my attire differs much from that of people a generation younger than me. However, your attire should suit the occasion, and common sense tells you that you%26#39;re not going to dine in a fine restaurant if you%26#39;re dressed too casually. Whereas daytime travel is concerned, various threads on this forum have adequately shown that there is no consensus on this topic. Some people stress comfort, while others insist on being fashionable at all times. In the end, you%26#39;re going to do what you feel is best.


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I think you americans are cute, thinking of what to wear, in one way its very respectfull, Ive never in my life considered that, I do my style, except if I go to for example a strict muslim country and sometimes if I go to places wear I know Im going to get one million catcalls I try to dress a little less sexy than usuall (not that it helps much, think the gringa look is the proplem).

In Europe we do think that americans in general dress bad, but hell some europeans dress very bad to (germans and eastern europeans for example, if i dare to say that hehe) , and Paris is not a very fashinable city (despite of many great designers french people in general tends to dress down).

So wear what you like, whats comfterble.

One thing most europeans and specially french people really DONT like with americans is the way you eat, only using the fork, thats considered very bad manner if your not home alone, we might not say anything but we all do notice! So please fork in left hand, knife in right and use both at all times!



it depends on where your staying, where your going, and your social circles.

If your staying at the Bristol, you wont need to leave the shops of the 8eme to get an idea of what you %26quot;should%26quot; be wearing. but more likely, you wont be staying at the Bristol, your in your 20%26#39;s, and you would already know that haute couture would be the response to this question.

i can write these few tips:

-wear what looks good on you: if it doesnt- EVEN if its in vouge, dont.

-as a generalization, go for a chic cosmopolitan (rather than country club look)

-sleek dark pants, or even a flattering pencil skirt- would be great in the evenings.

- go for neutrals in your outfits, and get one splash of color that can make u stand out, but not %26quot;scream%26quot;.

- wear sneakers (or men, loafers): they%26#39;re comfortable. if you can afford a sleek european pair, awesome. if not, get any in a dark brown or black- so you can mix and match easier.

- and as for makeup, make it natural, though perhaps a spot of color here and there will do the trick.

remember, all these tips can be refuted by counterexample. they arent precise, becuase in the most visited city in the world: the fashion isnt precise either.


I think Swedish people are cute the way they triple their posts.

Seriously, it%26#39;s hard to keep up with all the do%26#39;s and the don%26#39;ts while on vacation. I can understand that there are dress codes in some places like cathedrals and fine dining etc.

Every culture has differences and it%26#39;s good to appreciate each other but we should not expect people to have to read a guide book on behaving like us before they come to our country.

Maybe I have a different slant on this because of our bilingual culture here in Canada.


Dear onward

Im sorry my computer does that sometimes I dont know why, I just press ones, its damn irretating, I whish they had delete functions here=)

I think you should be yourself too, even if it ofcause depends on what youre doing, but if you desperatly want to fit in then I just suggest to focus more on things were there actaully is a diffrentce that we notice=)

I just have to say that I find americans to be maybe the most nice and welcomming people in the world, so Im, in contrast to most people in this world very positive to americans (read people from the US, everyone outside US love you canadians, your like sweden, you never do anything so people never have a chance to get mad)

Dont you have problems in Canada between french and english?

Have a great day!


Do you notice that you have multiple insults in your posts? Maybe it%26#39;s a language difficulty, but WOW...I would never say these things about people from other countries.



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this is called our %26quot;sociological imaginations%26quot;. they are based on social contructs, and primarily, our experiences. durkheim would be something to read right about now... be back later

please help w/itinerary

We fly in Tues late morning (NEXT WEEK! ) and are staying @ champs-elysee (mom, dad and 2 teens). We leave Fri late morning to go to Germany for world cup. My daughter%26#39;s been to Paris before so we aren%26#39;t trying to see everything! But I%26#39;d like to visit Notre Dame, St.Chapelle, Sacre Cour , Arc Triumph, either Louvre or d%26#39; Orsay and of wander champs-elysee. And I%26#39;d love to ride bikes @ Vernon /Giverney and think the kids would too.

Is this doable? If so, how should we plan it out-and what kind of tickets should we get (metro etc)? If not, what should we drop/swap? Thanks so much!!


If you will only be in Paris for 21/2 days---and a portion of one of these days will be on a day-trip out to Giverny---then you may best be served by simply purchasing CARNETs (booklets of 10 reduced price tickets--10,70 €) for your public transportation needs within Paris.

For the day trip out to Giverny, you would simply go to Gare Saint Lazare and purchase tickets to VERNON (the nearest train station to Giverny--r.t. 2nd Class 22,80 €). If you decide to go out to visit Monet%26#39;s Home %26amp; Gardens, it%26#39;s usually best to take the early morning train out (08:16 AM) which gets you to Giverny early....and hopefully before the escorted tour buses arrive.


I would offer:

Tuesday - check into hotel, get settled in, rest .... go out and go up to the top of the Arc de T. and enjoy view over Paris.... have dinner and go to bed at reasonable hour so you can recoup

Wednesday - Walk down the Champs (there%26#39;s not that much to %26#39;wander%26#39; for, unless you duck into Sephora or FNAC for some shopping), through the Tuileries and into the Louvre* for a couple of hours... then over to Notre Dame and St Chapelle (best seen if it is a nice sunny or at least only partly cloudy day)...

Thursday - take train to Vernon, rent bikes, see Giverny.... in the late afternoon, go up to Sacre Coeur - don%26#39;t just stay there, wander some of the small streets around the vineyard, or by the Abbesses.

* or cross over via bridge to visit Musee d%26#39;Orsay before continuing on to Notre Dame

You won%26#39;t need more than a couple %26#39;carnet%26#39; of single tickets for the occasional metro ride


Thanks so much! We%26#39;d better start packing ; )

From Paris we go to Switzerland then to Germany for the word cup. Can%26#39;t Wait!


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Dog Friendly

Our dog is the proud owner of a new Pet Passport. Can anyone suggest a dog friendly hotel in Brittany? We%26#39;re particularly looking for places with a bit of character. Thanks.


Grats on the Passport :) My dog has one too. Brittany is very large. Is there a particular area you are interested in? How about price range?

This is one of my very favorite hotels I have ever stayed in but it is a bit pricey:


Our dog has had his passport for the last 4 years %26amp; we travel down through France into Spain with him %26amp; back every year. The majority of hotels in France are pet friendly ( lots of bars %26amp; restaurants, too).

Some web sites which may help you are: is a good site for hotels too. Otherwise, decide where you want to go %26amp; search for the tourist office of the region %26amp; go to the accommodation section.

Have you got your vet sorted out for re-entry to the UK - it is advisable to do this in advance, although most vets are familiar with the procedure.

Have fun with your dog - he or she will get so spoiled.


Thanks for the links. We haven%26#39;t visited Brittany before. We%26#39;ve chosen it for the beaches and the fact it isn%26#39;t such a long drive from the UK.


good morning,

we have a guest house ( a bed and breakfast) in brittany and we love dogs,

%26quot;pets allowed %26quot; , if they are very quiet and clean

you can see photos on our website

best regards

nathalie gueguen


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Day trip from Paris - recommendations on tour service

Hello - staying in Paris 5 days and plan a one-day trip over to Normandy to see Omaha Beach, American Cemetery, Caen, etc. Looking for a reputable and good day-trip tour company. has a Normandy D-Day trip. If anyone has a comment on this or other services I would greatly appreciate the information.


I am doing a 1-day trip on my own. I%26#39;ve heard the tours can rush you a bit.

I am planning on taking a train from Paris to Caen early in the morning, then going to Bayeux for the American Cemetary/Omaha Beach and then back to Paris that night.

2 train tickets will be around $150 US - rather than a LOT more with a tour group - and you can explore on your own...

I would still love advice, though, too, on this. We leave tomorrow for London.


Two reputable tour agencies are ParisVision and Cityrama; both have tours to the Normandy beaches.

But it will be a loooong day. One tour leaves at 7:15 a.m. and returns 13 hours later; so you%26#39;ll be spending a lot of time on the bus. Boing to Bayeux by train and then taking a mini-bus tour would probably be much more pleasant.


I would take the train to Caen and go to the Peace Museum there and then take their tour of the battlefields and cemeteries. They are not real expensive and are good.


Itaylor, I wonder if you%26#39;ve gone on your trip and have any advice? Did you see Normandy on your own or with a tour? Still wrestling with which way to see Normandy .... (we have lots of books and research) or to just take a tour. I realize that in one day we have to cover a lot of ground on our own... but I like the flexibility of a car, but hope that we don%26#39;t spend a lot of wasted time trying to get around (I assume the areas are well signed and marked). Any thoughts?


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Thanks njutning for bringing up dining etiquette

I see post after post on %26quot;what to wear%26quot;, %26quot;what to say%26quot; and %26quot;what to do%26quot; in Paris in order to blend into the Parisian culture. But, in a recent thread njutning brought up a very important dining etiquette issue that I think deserves it%26#39;s own post.

Eating %26quot;continental%26quot; style as Americans call it is a very good way to fit in and show proper etiquette in any European restaurant (and even in high end American ones). I am not sure it this has ever been addressed here on this board, but I have not seen it.

I learned how to eat continental a few years ago, and I have actually gotten an eye of approval in Parisian restaurants as if it was a bit of surprise to my wait staff that I actually know how to eat with a knife and a fork. I took an etiquette class several years ago and since then I have actually gotten in the habit of eating this way.

Basically it using the fork in the left hand (face down), knife in the right with the basic rule that you never transfer the fork to the right hand. Food is cut in a cross motion using the knife and fork and you actually eat with the left hand. It takes a little getting used to. But, for those on this board who really care about proper etiquette and having proper manners, this is a very important topic of discussion.

Any feedback would be welcome. I am sure there are some who could care less about changing their eating habits, but I do appreciate njutning bringing up that this is one thing that Parisians take notice of in Americans and we do not have the reputation for the best manners!


Quickest way to spot an American in a restaurant. And I don%26#39;t mean anything rude by that. It is one way they stand out.


I wasn%26#39;t even aware there was another way of holding a knife and fork! How do Americans do it?


Ajeleonard, Americans think proper etiquette is holding the fork in the right hand %26quot;correctly%26quot;! We all teach our kids to hold it in the right hand, face up between the thumb and laying across the middle finger. Then we scold our kids (and think poorly of adults) who wrap their hand around and over the fork.

Ajeleonard, I would guess that over 1/2 of Americans would say the very same thing as you did, but in reverse %26quot;I did not know there was any other way to eat than with a fork in the right hand!%26quot;. Maybe you were joking to the fact???


waytogo - I tried the continental method after reading about it in one of my France-to-America cultural comparison books. Call me naive or easily impressed but I just feel a bit more refined using this method though it was a bit awkward at first since I%26#39;m right handed. I also do not miss the switching the knife back and forth - what a bother! The only thing I can%26#39;t get a handle on (no pun intended) is eating salad with very large leaves of lettuce or other greens. I was taught you don%26#39;t cut salad but I can%26#39;t seem to get the knack of the %26quot;folding%26quot; process. :)


If you%26#39;re going into strict dining etiquette, don%26#39;t stop there.

1. Fork upside down in left hand, knife in right hand; no switching

2. Hold wine glass only by stem

3. Bread goes on the table, not on the plate

4. When finished, cross the fork and knife over the top edge of the plate

5. Keep both hands above the table; forearms can go on the table, but not elbows

6. Soak up sauce with bread but use a fork to push around the bread.

7. Napkin must be spread over lap, not bunched up

I%26#39;m sure there are others, but I%26#39;m too busy picking my teeth with the tip of my pocket knife to keep typing now....


Truffaut - I thought that crossing the fork and knife meant that you%26#39;re NOT finished.


I heard somewhere that some top level executives must take etiquette classes and are strongly encouraged, if not required, to dine continental style at power lunches and business dinners etc. Have to agree, it does look more elegant.

I%26#39;ve also heard the American style of eating came about after the Revolutionary War, because they wanted to be %26quot;different%26quot; from the British.

Well, being the product of an Oklahoman dad and Japanese mom (who was trying really hard to be an American) I was raised to eat American style. No hashi (chopsticks) in our house!!

I%26#39;ve tried time and again to eat continental style, but usually give up in exasperation mid-meal. My husband and I have been practicing more for our upcoming trip to Europe though. I%26#39;ve often thought maybe the best thing would be to have lots of picnics by the Eiffel Tower so I can eat everything without cutlery.

My daughter spent some of her early formative years with friends from Australia. She picked up continental style early on and still eats that way. Good for her! But for me, you can%26#39;t teach an old dog new tricks?

My husband occasionally has lunch with a Red Cross volunteer at work . She is older and from Germany, and she frequently tsk tsks Americans for the way they eat. (plus a lot of other things). Come to think of it, so does my mom, especially for their inability to save money!


Shoesy, I have to agree with you, although most of Truffaud%26#39;s tips are on the money, that #3 is not what I was taught. When I am finished I put both pieces of silverware face up side/side or parallel on the plate. This signals I am finished.


love 2 travel,

I have been told by Japanese friends that I handle chopsticks like a native Japanese --- TODDLER!

So I guess you can%26#39;t scoop your food with sticks.


That%26#39;s what I learned, Waytogogirl.

Paris to Avignon-- RailEurope or sncf Site?

I%26#39;ve found fairly comparable fares on Rail Europe and sncf sites for train from Paris to Avignon . Any opinions on which site is best to order train tix ? Thanks in advance.


Well, on the SNCF if you get Prem fares you can print them. You dont have to fool with mailing etc. Typically the SNCF site is much cheaper.


Don%26#39;t know if still available but we got first class tickets for 50 Euros each for Avignon to Paris in May and could pribt the tickets on our own printer, no $19 to have them mailed with Rail Europe.



Thanks everyone, I purchased on sncf site and printed out on my computer.


Good news! Enjoy your trip.


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bordeaux hotel recommendations

My husband, 18 y.o. son and 16 y.o. daughter will be traveling to Bordeaux in August for two weeks. He will be working at a hospital in Pessac. Can anyone recommend accomodations that would be centrally located for the 4 of us? We hope to be able to have some excursions while we are there too, of course.


A lot depends on your budget. Just to offer a few suggestions, for comfortable accommodations you might look at the Normandie or Majestic, both of which are in the center of town, as are the Quatre Soeurs and Acanthe, which are a bit less expensive.


Thank you for the recommendation. Can you elaborate about how I find accomodations in these areas? Also, given our length of stay, someone else recommended renting an apartment. Have you any suggestions to that end? Thank you.


For information about these hotels and to contact them regarding availability, just do a Google search on each of their names and you%26#39;ll find their web sites and contact information.

For information about rental accommodations in Bordeaux, take a look at the thread begun by lyndsey76 about a dozen places below this one titled %26quot;Self-catering apartments/flats%26quot;.


Thank you once again. I will search that thread immediately.


Having lived in Bordeaux short stay apartments before, I would recommend the Citea. A 1 bedroom would be tight, but I believe it would sleep 4. Fully furnished with secure parking available for an extra charge. Lots to do within a half hour walk: Jardin Publique, old Roman colisseum ruins, cathedrals, and all the downtown shopping. Pessac is about 3 miles away - lots of good wineries there (Haut Brion the finest), but pricy. Take a day trip out to Sarlat by train if you can. Watch the movie Bon Voyage if you want to get an idea what it%26#39;s like. Have fun!


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Trains to Germany from Paris during Soccer

I just tried to book a train on SNCF from Paris to Cologne and this happens to be during the time of the soccer games (June 23) ... an error message came up saying %26quot; We cannot make a reservation for this train. Foreign reservations closed.%26quot; Can anyone locally in Paris give me an idea of how hard it may be to get to Germany during this time?


I just ran a quick check on and it seemed to be fine. No really cheap tickets available for your date, but there seemed to be seats on all the trains still.

Give it a try and if it doesn%26#39;t work for you give another holler.

It%26#39;s possible that the SNCF booking system was just temporarily down. They tend to do whatever maintenace/updating they need to do in the early AM hours Paris time.


I think SNCF, being the French National system, can%26#39;t make reservations for trains which don%26#39;t pass through France - if you%26#39;re changing in Brussels, this might be causing the problem for your onward travel. As Irish suggests, use Thalys which is presumably the train operator for all parts of your journey.


It looks like you tried your operation just when one of the involved site was unavailable (the scnf has to %26#39;call%26#39; the belgian rail system to get the price for the leg Bruxelles -Koln)

I just tried just a couple of minutes ago (sncf) and was offered to book (82.50 or 85 Euros for 2nd class - june 23)


Okay, I%26#39;m not getting the error message now - yes, must have been a glitch. I%26#39;ve gone to both sncf and thalys to try to book - I go as far as I can through the process and when it comes to the point of selecting how you want to obtain the tickets, it does not give me the option to print my own. I know there is MorganB%26#39;s very good explanation of ticketing which I%26#39;ve read on TA, but no matter which way I try I don%26#39;t get that option. However, if I reserve online, will I simply be able to go to the train station and retrieve that reservation, without having any paperwork? Just an ID, credit card, etc to show proof of myself?

I am actually heading to Dusseldorf as my final destination that day and will go through Koln.

Another question - for a day trip to Normandy or to Versailles out of Paris, is an advanced train reservation necessary or will you pay a much higher rate if you just buy at the time of travel?


You don%26#39;t need to worry about your trip to Versailles as the best way to get there is by RER and a round trip ticket in any case is not expensive, between 5€ and 6€ IIRC. You might want to buy a RT ticket rather than two one way tickets. You won%26#39;t save any money but you might avoid long ticket lines at Versailles Rive Gauche when you want to return to Paris.

For your Normandy trip, if you are going e.g. from Paris to Caen initially, you may be able to save money by pre-booking. PREMs tix on this route are 15€ one way, ordinary second class fares almost double that.

Good luck!


PS: I think your other Q about your trip to Germany was answered in another thread, was it not?


Yes, I did find the answer to picking up Thalys tickets and that it can be done at the train station - thank you.

I will probably pre-book Normandy, but not Versailles since we won%26#39;t be sure of going there - trying to not do too much in 5 days, but will see if it%26#39;s do-able once there... Thanks for the information!


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French email etiquette

When someone types an email in all caps in France, is it considered to be shouting, as it is in the U.S.? I was a little offended by an email I got in all caps from a French person I just met (don%26#39;t really want to go into details), and am wondering if email etiquette is different in France.


I would also take this as shouting, but i think some people are not aware of an %26quot;etiquette%26quot; and just want to be clear, they don%26#39;t want to offend


Actually we were doing e-mail etiquette in class last Friday. check out this article. Capitals do mean the same but I think your person was probably not aware of what they had done.


Not about using caps, but it%26#39;s good to know that the French appreciate messages that close with thanks and perhaps something like %26quot;We look forward to staying at your hotel.%26quot; The French aren%26#39;t as abrupt as most of us in the U.S. when writing letters.


also some folks (not specifically the French, folks in general) unaware of the %26quot;shouting%26quot; like to use caps because it%26#39;s easier to read.


Messages in all caps are certainly not easier to read - in fact, if you want to make a text of more than a few words unreadable, put it in all caps and most people won%26#39;t even try to read it.

In most cases, it is just ignorance when people use all caps - although I think it%26#39;s no coincidence when software licence agreements are in all caps...


Study after study show that mixed case is easiest to read. NOT upper case.

I%26#39;m sure it is ignorance.


I%26#39;m sure it was a mistake. The all caps button was probably on.



Thanks, everyone, for your feedback. I%26#39;ll take it with a grain of salt. I agree, though, that all caps are nearly impossible to read.

Underhill, the email I got from a French person was very abrupt. That%26#39;s why I was so taken aback.


It probably no longer matters, but telegrams used to be all caps. At least with French, if you do all caps, you don%26#39;t have to worry about accents anymore. TripAdvisor seems to bounce messages that have too many caps. That could be a challenge if you refer to too many acronyms. France has no shortage of acronyms. tgv sncf rer rsvp etc


Mediachick ~ if the person was writing in a non-native language, that might be the reason for its abruptness.

Advice on Paris Itinerary, 1st time

So I am very overwhelmed with trip planning. This is 1st time to Paris; we%26#39;ll be there early July. We enjoy some museums, off the beaten path sights but not an overly zealous go go go kind of travel day. But also need to cover the must-see sights of Paris!

I laid out an itinerary but am open to any suggestions, additions etc. I am not too sure about locations and getting from here to there so i%26#39;m open to switching things around. The only item is * (for sure we need to be there). Open to restaurant suggestions too.


Arrive by TGV 3:30p.m.

Find way to friends house (unsure of address)


Eiffel Tower (1st thing, going all way to top)

Bus #69 tour (start at Eiffel end at Bastille)


*Evening dinner in 20th district, 6pm


Arc de Triomphe (not going to top)

Champs Elysees

Montmartre (stay til evening sunset view of city)


1st thing: Louvre

Jardins des Tuileries (nearby I believe)

Latin quarter


Monet’s Garden in Giverny



Thursday: (last day in Paris)

Return to Eiffel tower

Notre Dame, Île de la Cité

Seine riverboat cruise

Some things I wasn%26#39;t sure needed as much time as I gave it.

Where would Rodin Museum fit in? I am considering a day trip to Tours to take a Loire Valley tour but this might be too much...



Some random thoughts:

Skip the Loire tour, unless you%26#39;re willing to give up at least one of your other daytrips. I might think twice about Chantilly anyway. For my first time, I%26#39;d opt for Chartres over Chantilly.

Tuileries. Yes, it%26#39;s just at the western end of the Louvre. For a truly beautiful garden, however, try to make time to go to the Jardin du Luxembourg. It%26#39;s near enough the Quartier Latin to fit in.

Museums. It would be a real pity to miss Musée d%26#39;Orsay.

Notre-Dame. Be sure to add a stop at Ste-Chapelle while you%26#39;re on the island. It doesn%26#39;t take that long and it is a sight you will remember your entire life.


You could fit in Orsay Museum on saturday, provided you get a museum pass, or the queues would be long, or thusday night as it remains open late.

I would choose Chantilly over Chartres (sorry Truffaut!) and the Loire valley over Chantilly

You could fit in Rodin on sunday along the Champs Elysées

On Monday in the latin quarter you will basically be next to Notre Dame

If you still have time i would recommend a visit to the Opéra Garnier, very impressive


Thanks for your input. I have incorporated your suggestions into our itinerary!


fotogirl -

lucky you going to Paris! We were just there for seven days the first part of May and already I%26#39;m wanting to go back - you%26#39;ll love it! I would strongly suggest that you go to a book store and buy %26quot;Rick Steeves PARIS 2006%26quot; His book is so helpful and takes a lot of stress and worry out of your planning. He explains everything in detail and takes the guesswork out for you. We took his book with us everywhere(read it before you go as well ) and with his advice did not have any problems. Near the front of the book, he has suggestions for things to do each day from one - seven days. Also, we took Bus #69 as Rick suggested however, we went all the way to the Pere Lachaise Cemetery - it%26#39;s quite something to see and you can spend as much or as little time as you wish. The cemetery is in the 20th and you mentioned having dinner in the 20th so a stop at the cemetery might work with the plans you already have.

I wanted to go to the top of the Arc de Triomphe but my knee just wouldn%26#39;t take all those stairs - I found out when we got back home that there is an elevator you can take to the top. Wish I would have known when we were there.

We had planned to take a day trip to Giverny but just ran out of time as there is so much to see in Paris.

You could probably fit in a visit to the Rodin when you are in the Latin Quarter.

Have a fun trip - I know you will.


Thanks Nanolea!

I actually have the RS Paris book and have read it but just can%26#39;t memorize everything i%26#39;ve read. ;O Thanks for the heads up on ending at the Cemetary. I dont recall RS book mentioning that. Will we know we%26#39;re in the 20th, does it stop with Cemetary in view? Yes we want to be in the 20th by evening so that would be perfect.

I know we do not have a lot planned and getting here from there takes time as well so a leisurely trip in Paris would be ideal. I think i will not do the Loire valley tour just to have less to worry about, and to go with the thought that i will return, which we probably will!


if you could squeeze in a few hours for this --

Melissa %26amp; I hit Paris the day after Thanksgiving for nine nights.

The best day for me was my last full day (Sat Dec 03, 2005). I did my own thing with the Frommer%26#39;s Guide Book Walking Tour #1 Montmartre

(Moulin Rouge %26amp; Sacre Coeur neighbourhoods)

GUIDE -…0062020033.html

MAP --…


PARIS 2005 -- Saturday Walking Tour / Pigalle %26amp; Sacre Coeur…



Glad to hear you have RS book - it%26#39;s great. There is a LOT of info and you can%26#39;t possibly remember it all - I made a few notes to carry in my purse and then we just looked things up as we went. Each day we made a list of what we wanted to see in a particular district %26amp; then referred to Rick%26#39;s book for the details. Worked well. His %26quot;to do each day%26quot; starts on page 20 and is a very good guide. The Pere Lachaise Cemetery tour info starts on Page 284 and will tell you where to get off if you take bus #69. Page 297 tells about the Bus #69 ride - we boarded the bus near the Eiffel Tower and did the whole ride. Just show the bus driver the picture on Page 287 %26amp; he%26#39;ll help you get off at the right place - at least our driver did - he was very helpful.

Have a great trip.



Glad to hear you have RS book - it%26#39;s great. There is a LOT of info and you can%26#39;t possibly remember it all - I made a few notes to carry in my purse and then we just looked things up as we went. Each day we made a list of what we wanted to see in a particular district %26amp; then referred to Rick%26#39;s book for the details. Worked well. His %26quot;to do each day%26quot; starts on page 20 and is a very good guide. The Pere Lachaise Cemetery tour info starts on Page 284 and will tell you where to get off if you take bus #69. Page 297 tells about the Bus #69 ride - we boarded the bus near the Eiffel Tower and did the whole ride. Just show the bus driver the picture on Page 287 %26amp; he%26#39;ll help you get off at the right place - at least our driver did - he was very helpful.

Have a great trip.


fotogirl- Sorry for the error - I was in the wrong screen name and so the reply came from mae_evelyn in error - it was actually from NanoLea and I forgot to change the user name. Sorry. Have fun


Hi there- yout itinerary looks pretty good- I%26#39;d suggest a few things-

The #69 bus is good- but I don%26#39;t think I%26#39;d go all the way to Bastille- I%26#39;d probably bail out earlier in a more interesting area and walk around for a while. It%26#39;s a loooong ride.

I%26#39;d do the Rodin instead of a second trip to the Tour Eiffel- after you spend all that time going to the top you%26#39;ve pretty much done it.

Absolutely add the D%26#39;Orsay- if I had to choose just one %26quot;wow%26quot; museum, I%26#39;d pick it over the Louvre- which I adore, don%26#39;t get me wrong- but the D%26#39;Orsay is really a whole lot of bang for your buck- you won%26#39;t believe it- painting after painting that you will recognize- and there they are! The scale of the place is just more doable in a half day. Also consider the Cluny- if you%26#39;re interested in the Middle Ages- it%26#39;s wonderful- the Unicorn Tapestries! not to mention all the other treasures- the stained glass exhibit is fascinating-

I%26#39;d skip Chantilly for another trip when you have more time to spend outside Paris. Ditto the Loire. Keep that day open for some wonderful activity or adventure that will surely arise.

Giverney is very easy to do in a half day- but you should go EARLY- plan to be in line about 20 minutes before the opening time- I think there%26#39;s a train at 8:20ish- and they open at 10- you%26#39;ll want to be among the first in the door as it gets very crowded, and the rooms are just so wonderful and serene before the place fills up- you%26#39;ll have plenty of time to enjoy the house and gardens and be back in Paris for the afternoon.

Enjoy your trip- I%26#39;m going back this summer and can%26#39;t wait.

Will I be able to find reasonably priced wine to take back...

I hope the question doesn%26#39;t sound stupid,but I know french wines can be very expensive and I just don%26#39;t want to be in an embarrassing situation while trying to buy wine there.



no no no, its ok- thank american marketing for your... illusionment.

u can find great wines at ALL prices, and many you fill find arent in the states, so take advantge and bring 2 of each home: one to save, and one to drink the minute your back ;)

oh, and one late night when my friends and I needed to buy some wine for a picnic... we were suprised to find 3 bottles that cost us no more than 20 euros(not each, together).. and u know- it wasnt one of the better wines ive tried, but it sure beat out a lot of californians that were worth 3 times the amount!


ps... theres alot of wine shops, and i think the natives on here can advise you better than i can. and well, though ive been allowed wine from an early age- im no seasoned connaisseur, so ive found the wine chain, %26quot;nicolas%26quot;... i think that was the name, to be pretty good in finding what i needed when i was in paris.

good luck.


A few years ago we discovered the great selection and prices available at the grocery stores in Paris. Monoprix, Franprix, Supermarche. There is no need to spend alot of money to get good wine in paris. We actually bought many bottles of wine for under $5.00. You can also find good champagne at really great prices. there are many good wine stores too. they usually have all the expensive wines as well as the affordable ones. The wine shop on Rue Cler always has a display of the wine of the week which we alwyas buy. The owner of that store is very nice and helpful.


Thanks so much guys.


Of course you can also find cheap wine in Paris! A bottle might cost you 2 euro in a supermarket, though you obviously can%26#39;t expect much for that price. In a supermarket outside Paris, I once bought some bottles (not even %26#39;vin de table%26#39; or %26#39;vin de pays%26#39; but AOC!) for 1.85 euro -- which makes you wonder how they can make a profit...

Most supermarkets have a decent range of wines, ranging from the cheap plonk to excellent champagnes and vintages.


Go to Le Dernier Goutte, 6 rue Bourbon-le-Chateau in the 6th, in the St. Germaine du Pre neighborhood. The owner is American, and he%26#39;s got wines you won%26#39;t see in too many other places--especially %26quot;country%26quot; wines from the Languedoc, Roussillon, Cahors, etc. Some of his stuff is expensive; some of it is very reasonably priced. I make a point of visiting him whenever I%26#39;m in the city. He also owns the %26quot;Fish%26quot; restaurant and %26quot;Cosi%26quot; bakery, both on Rue de Seine, nearby.


You blokes are paying too much for your plonk!

My local MiniCasino does an acceptable (by that, I mean It stays down) wine for 1.61Euro a litre (red or white) or 5 litres for 7euro. It isnt the best of vintages, and as Monty Python says %26quot;this is a wine with a message%26quot;. but it IS there.

This will be my new tipple now I%26#39;m poor.


There is a chain-store %26quot;Nicolas%26quot; which is all over Paris

They have both affordable wine and the really %26quot;de luxe%26quot;-stuff.

In supermarkets and at the local grocery they often have white wine and champagne/vin mousseux in a refrigerator - to bring along on a picnic or to take to your room. There are also often small bottles for sale (about 25 cl.) - nice picnic size.


Forgot about Nicolas. They%26#39;re reasonably priced, and they really are just about everywhere--according to their website, there are 129 stores in metropolitan Paris.


You have also another good chain %26quot;Au repaire de Bacchus%26quot;.

Great webiste to find a wine shop near your hotel :

Any of these shops you%26#39;ll find very affordable wines from a few euros. If you plan to have a picnic, buy your cheese first and tell you ara lokking fo a %26quot;littel wine%26quot; to eat with that particular cheese !

Flat or hotel?

Greetings all. My fiance and I will be in Cote d%26#39;Azur July 25-Aug 2 (Tues-Weds). We are debating between renting a flat/villa or staying in a hotel for the week - hoping people in the forum might give advice.

I love the idea of having a bit more space in a flat, we are fairly self-contained travelers, and flats seem to offer a better value (please correct me if I%26#39;m wrong on this last point). However, hotels tend to be safer bets in terms of accommodations and location.

I%26#39;m finding that has the most properties in the region - literally hundreds of 1BR and studios to choose from. Other sites seem to have a handful at the most.

So my questions are:

1) would people recommend renting a flat/villa, or staying at a hotel?

2) are flats even be available for renting Tuesday--Wednesday (8 days), vs. a more traditional Sat-Sat period?

3) anyone know of a better website for finding rentals?

Btw, plan is to base in Cannes, Nice or Antibes (we%26#39;ll choose based on availability and the wisdom of foum members). We%26#39;re not planning on renting a car, but rather take trains for daytrips to other towns.

Many thanks, everyone.


Apartments in high season usually are rented from Saturday to Saturday (even in resorts full amenities they tend to stick to that timetable in high season but are looser in low season).

The Citadines Promeande in Nice may suit your needs. It is an apartment-hotel, which means you have a small kitchenette that is quite OK , so you can cook your own meals. And I can say that only with breakfast you will save a lot (a breakfast in an hotel is an easy 7 euro times 2 times 8 days, that is 112 euros...). is their website.

And of course in Nice you have plenty of hotels but you should hurry in making your choice as time flies and you are quite close to your departure,


Thanks yymca. Very helpful.


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Paris Nightlife Expert


I have posted a previous thread about what areas(restaurants, clubs and bars) are good to go out in Paris on a Wednesday night as thats the only night we will be there(wednesday June 21st), and i know that some places/areas are %26quot;the flavour%26quot; on certain night of the week.

Anyway, from this forum i think that the bastille area is lively and fun most of the time so i guess thats our best bet. The Buddha bar is Champs de ellesye(i dont know how to spell it??) is supposed to be a must see too. My questions are from our hotel(the hilton at the eiffel tower), how should we get to these places from our hotel and are they easy to reach from the hotel. I guess we should go to bar buddha first(would you recommend there for dinner or anywhere else in the champs de..... area??) and then go to the Bastille area to party.

Any advice, recommendations....i need your help guys



To go to Bastille from your area, take the metro (line 6 to Charles de Gaulle Etoile. Than line 1 direction Chateau de Vincennes and stop at Bastille station.

But to come back, things will be different. If you return before the first metro (approximatly at 6:00), you will have to take a cab, but it is not that easy to catch a cab there. You wil lthen have to walk away from the crowdu places and try to hell one. You can also use the noctilien (night buses


Thanks FranParis.

Was planning on going to the Champs Alyeese(again, i know this is incorrect spelling!!) area first to go Planet Hollywood(for dinner) then Bar Buddha(or should we skip PH and have dinner here??) and then go to the Bastile area from here so i need to know how to get to here first from our hotel(eiffel hilton) and then from here on to bastile(or the latin quarter, but i have read better things about the bastille area for lively hip nightlife!), and then from bastille at about 3-4am back to our hotel. Does this sound feasibile, fun and doo-able paris experts?????

Do you suggest any alterations here. Culture is taking a back seat on this night out. The object is fun fun fun and to go to a several bars and club as we only have one night. So plan is eiffel tower area to champs el...... for Planet hollywood where we will have dinner(is it lively here on a wednesday in june?) then on to Bar Buddha(how far is it from PH), then to bastile area(and i need recommendations what bars and clubs to visit here). Sorry for all the questions guys but im a paris virgin and really want to make it a special fun night out, so i need recommendations, ideas and directions.

Thanks so much.


Bump.... :-)


I replayed in the other girls thread to your question about Zebra etc. Skip PH=)




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Ideas about what to do in Rue Cler area on Monday?

I will be arriving in Paris on Monday %26amp; I%26#39;m staying near the Rue Cler area (near Mo: Ecole Militaire). I have read that most of the shops/restaurants in that area are closed on Mondays; does anyone know if this is accurate? If so, are there other areas close by that any of you would recommend for some good shopping/dining?

(we will probably be a bit jet-lagged, so we thought it might be good to have some ideas near our hotel).

Thanks for any ideas!


I%26#39;ve stayed in hotels near/on Rue Cler several times. Maybe I%26#39;ve not been there on Mondays. I don%26#39;t remember anything being closed then. The only thing possibly not available are some of the open-air fresh markets, but I%26#39;m only guessing. I hope someone will clarify this, because I do love the area.



I was just in Paris for two weeks and stayed on Rue Cler. Some of the shops are closed and the market is mostly closed but there are plenty of shops and restaurants open in the general area. We loved staying in the area and hope you have a wonderful trip!



You could go see this thing called the Eiffel Tower.. :)

If you search for dining or restaurants in the 7th, you should find some good suggestions.... and the larger cafes won%26#39;t be closed. I imagine even Brasserie Ecole Militaire (faces Ecole Militaire) will be open - good %26#39;salade supreme%26#39; platters, moules/frites, etc (service a bit sketchy, just go with it..)

What do you call %26#39;good shopping%26#39; ...? There are shops on rue St Dominique but I am not particularly familiar with them..

There are lots of boutique stores along blvd St Germain in the 6th, also down rue de Rennes (which butts into blvd St Germain). There is a large Monoprix at this juncture on rue de Rennes, which is a good place for inexpensive gifts or some groceries (wine!). There is another Monoprix a shade closer, at the metro stop La Motte Picquet Grenelle, on the other side of Ecole Militaire.


Thanks for all of the ideas--even the smarty-pants Eiffel Tower tip ;) hehe

Incidentally, is there any time of day when the lines there are smaller?


the Eiffel Tower is usually easy to get up first thing it opens; 9:30. To really %26quot;get your money%26#39;s worth%26quot; and enjoy the view at leisure - have breakfast at the first level. Your croissant and coffee there will be a real high.


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Palais De La Mediterranee in Nice

Thinking of staying here or at Hotel Palais Maeterlinck. Any observations or suggestions%26gt; We will be in Nice for three days and use the hotel for a base to travel from.


I responded on your other thread.


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Any advice on getting from Avignon to Venice

We will be in St. Remy for a week exploring that area then we will returning rental car to Avignon train station and need to get to Venice. I see several routes by train One through Torino to Milan to Venice and another down through Nice. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Are there any direct flights. i have the entire trip figured out except for this...Thanks


There really aren%26#39;t any great options by train, and the fastest I can find on a quick check takes almost 11 hours. Perhaps the most convenient would be Avignon-Nice-Milan-Venice with two changes, leaving Avignon at 10:34, arriving Venice Sta Lucia at 22:08. The only quicker one I am seeing involves three changes and means leaving Avignon at 07:31.

I think I%26#39;d prefer to take the train to Nice (3 hours) and fly to Venice (VCE) with alpieagles. Alternatively you could go to Paris (also about 3 hours) and fly from ORY to VCE with EasyJet. Which of these would be better would depend on price and flight schedules among other things. Of course the Paris option means getting from Gare de Lyon to ORY.

Check the German rail site (strangely enough) for train timetables:

The airlines%26#39; web sites are:

It does occur to me that you could drive to Nice as fast as the train would take you, more or less, and go straight to the airport.

On the outside chance that you might find a worthwhile fare from either Marseille, Toulon or Nice, it wouldn%26#39;t hurt to check

Look for round-trip fares even if you are only travelling one way.


Thanks...Is this a crazy idea? I was thinking og taking trains from Avignon to tTorino spending one night to say hello to our 2005 exchange student and then taking a direct train from Torino to Venice. I can see the train route but they seem to be small trains and I cannot figure this out. The torino to Venice has a direct that is easy I just want to know if the avignon to Torino is feasible and is it scenic

I really appreciate any help and will try to answer others questions in return



Hi DLM -

I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;re crazy to attempt this. The connections to Torino, as you have discovered, are not the greatest. Here is what I think is the best available:

Dep. Avignon TGV 07:31 TGV #6852

Arr. Valence TGV 08:05

Dep. Valence TGV 08:26 RE Train #17520

Arr. Chambéry 10:08

Dep. Chambéry 10:58 TGV #9241

Arr. Torino Porta Susa 13:25

So, as you can see, almost six hours. Is it scenic? Yes, for the most part. Would I do it? Without question.

There is another possible option, in theoory a bit quicker, leaving Avignon at 14:28, arriving Torino 19:46. The problem with this option is that it involves taking a bus from Valence to Grenoble and you have only seven (!) minutes to make it from the bus to the train in Grenoble. Way too risky, IMO.

Let me know if this helps and if I can help with anything else.

Go for it! Bon voyage!

PS: RE = Regional Express


Just a few more details further to IrishRovr %26#39; s reply -

I have been checking out a new airline that is on

since they fly from Venice to Nice . Their head office is based in Pescara in Italy. The last time I tried for a booking request , the site only came up with about a month in advance so no good for your if your travel dates are way ahead;

Re . trains from France - there is a night train daily from Nice to Venice and vice versa.

It currently leaves at 21HO7 arriving at Venice at 07.36 the next morning. This timetable does not vary normally year round.

There are couchettes with six persons per compartment and others for four people.Otherwise , there are more expensive solutions.

The couchettes for four compartments are better than the one s for three -

the latter cost more and have three beds/couchettes one above the other , whereas the couchettes set-up for four people are just two on one side and two on the other side of the compartment - so there is more space between the two couchettes.

There is a promotional rate called %26quot;SMART Price %26quot; which you can find on the

site -to get the home page in English see link in top right hand corner of the home page in Italian.

Smart price for couchettes ( for the x 4 set-up ) is Euros 45.

This train avoids having to change. The Venice Santa Lucia station is in the heart of Venice - the steps outside take you to the canal and motonave/boats. Do not make the mistake of getting off at Mestre , which is just before Venice.

Should you take the day train from Nice - it leaves at 10H05 arriving at Santa Lucia Station at 18H08 but and it is big BUT , one only has 15 minutes to connect in Milano Centrale and the train from Nice usually arrives a few minutes or more late.

One needs to allow for this and book a train going an hour later than the one that one would logically take. Milan to Venice trains go

at least

every hour - be careful that you get the right train fare for the right train since some trains are more expensive than others.

The difference if paid on the train when they control your ticket if it is not the right rate can be enormous - I know from experience.

The scenery from Nice to Genova is generally beautiful and a lot is very close to the sea/beaches.

Amongst the multiple places to visit in and around Venice, may I recommend the town of Chioggia - check it out under %26quot;Chioggia %26quot; on TripAdvisor - plenty of tips on how to get there.

Have a great trip .



Thanks all of you...Your responses are amazing. I am considering all the options and will make my reservation by Monday.


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stores and restaurants opening hours

Is it true that most stores are closed early in the afternoon?


It depends on what you call early in the afternoon..

Here in Paris, most stores close at 7 pm, but some are open untill 8 pm, and sometimes 10 pm. In some tourists spots, like the Champs Elysées, stores are open till midnight.

Then, if you%26#39;re used to travel in Spain, 7pm is early, and inf you%26#39;re used to travel in northern Europe, it is late...


In villages and small towns in France, stores can be closed in the early afternoon.

In Paris however stores are open 9:30 to 19:00 as a rule.

Restaurants tend to open at 19:30 for dinner except for those that are obviously open non stop.


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District B13

Has anyone seen this new movie yet? Was it worth seeing? Good paris seens?

I%26#39;m trying to decide whether or not to see it tonight.


B13 is a film about .....gangsta%26#39;s .... not about Paris , depicts nothing concerning Paris ...except what you can see in the hood ...and it%26#39;s a fictious movie ...


I thought it might show street scenes in Paris. Like the Bourne Identitiy, for example. The review I%26#39;ve read said it was a fast paced action thriller. So I was thinking that since we liked The Bourne Identity we might enjoy this film too. Oh well. A gansta film doen%26#39;t interest me at all.


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5-4 hours (net) in Paris!

Im supposed to land on saturday 12:00pm in CMG and the departure flight on 20:00...whats the best way to %26quot;spend%26quot; the time in the city being back to CDG already on 18:00 ?(what transport should i use?stations?places?etc)

Thank you all!


if you land at 12:00 get your luggages at 12:45 then take the %26quot;RER B %26quot; train to PARIS ( special fare ticket ) step down at %26quot;LUXEMBOURG%26quot; station (13:30 pm) walk in the %26quot;jardin du Luxembourg%26quot; with the french senate building ( 13:50..) go outside this garden and go down the %26quot;saint michel%26quot; boulevard , on the right hand side %26quot;the panthéon%26quot; and %26quot;la sorbonne %26quot; university , go down near the intersection with %26quot;boulevard saint germain%26quot; and make 200 m walking to the %26quot;quartier latin%26quot; on the right , find lot of cheap restaurants and arriving on the %26quot;Seine %26quot; river take a lokk at the right , follow the river and see %26quot;Notre dame de Paris%26quot; ( a church I guess !!?? maybe a supermarket on sales.....because of people waiting in front of it ..joek !!) (14:15) move behind the cathedral and go visiting %26quot;île saint louis%26quot; wonderful Island (15:00) after that take an ice cream at %26quot;berthillon%26quot; and go outside this island left bank to fetch bus number 24 (direction %26quot;gare saint lazare %26quot;) step down at %26quot;pont du carroussel%26quot; walk on the right to pass the %26quot;pont du carroussel%26quot; bridge (15:30 ?) sotp at the top of this bridge and take your camera , on the right and on the left .....maybe one of the best photo to take ...continue walking and strait visit %26quot;la cour carré%26quot; of le louvre museum with the %26quot;ugly%26quot; ( my opinion ...) pyramid turn your head on the left and take a walk under a gate ( like the one in Berlin ) to see %26quot;les tuileries%26quot; garden with the %26quot;champs élysées%26quot; in the background and the %26quot;tour Eiffel%26quot; on the left ...!!! (16:00/16:30) now go under the other side of Louvre and follow %26quot; avenue de l%26#39;opéra for a 400m walk...after that take the tube at %26quot;pyramides%26quot; station , line number 7 to %26quot;gare de l%26#39;est %26quot;station, the step down and in front of you , changin of platform take line number 5 to %26quot;gare du nord%26quot; ( next step ) then go upstairs

to take RER line B to Charles de Gaulle ( final direction written on the light manels above you ) (16:45) arriving at Charles de Gaulle ( be careful with the terminal 1 ..2...or 3 not to descend the wrong station !!!!! and that%26#39;s it ....


When you take the RER train from Gare du Nord to the airport, check that you get the right train. Not all trains go to the airport - the departure boards will show which ones do. Have a great trip.


When you get to the RER station at CDG buy a one day Zones 1-5 MOBILIS pass for 12€10. This will give you unlimited acces to the métro, bus and RER system and will cover your round trip from/to CDG.

Not only is this a lot more convenient than buying individual métro tickets, thus saving you time, but will also save you money since the RT ticket alone from CDG to Paris costs 16€.


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French Renaissance in Maine

This article in the today%26#39;s New York Times might be of interest for partipantesin this forum that live in Maine…


..... for PARTICIPANTS IN this forum WHO live in Maine

TA: could you add an %26quot;EDIT%26quot; feature, please ?


Thanks for that post. My partner%26#39;s family were the first settlers of Quebec and have been in Maine for only a few generations. Both his parents were raised speaking French but were forced to give it up. He found the article to be very interesting.


Hello Truffaut,

I you could get your hand on it there is two great movies intituled %26quot;Les tisserands du pouvoir%26quot; with English sub-titles. They actually related the saga of the French-Canadian to Maine and Vermont, their living conditions and their combat to get their language and faith from the mid-1800 to the present days. I am sure that G. would like it.


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22hrs. in Paris

We have about 20 hours, so we are looking for a good area that is close to the air france bus drop offs, good hotel, and eats in the area.???This is our layover back to US .Any reccomendations.


Air France%26#39;s bus stops near the Arche de Triomphe and their is also the local transportation network, RATP, Roissybus that stops in rue Scribe near the Opera Garnier. This is a more central area than the area near the Arche, if it is important to be in walking distance of a regular express bus to CDG. I dont know any hotels in the Opera area but two that are nice - not budget - not too far from the Arche are the Hotel de Banville (1 km away)

or the Hotel Regent%26#39;s Garden (700 m)


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5-4 hours (net) in Paris!

Im supposed to land on saturday 12:00pm in CMG and the departure flight on 20:00...whats the best way to %26quot;spend%26quot; the time in the city being back to CDG already on 18:00 ?(what transport should i use?stations?places?etc)

Thank you all!


It is a very short time to do something interesting.

If you land at 12, you won%26#39;t reach the RER station before 12:45, and then Center Paris before 1:30. Then you%26#39;%26#39;ll have to take the RER again back to the Airport at 5:00, what gives you just 3 1/2 hours.

Well, if you are really decided to do so, you could have a short walk in Saint-Germain neighbourhood and Ile de la Cité, where you will see Notre Dame.

To check the RER B hours : Choose the trip from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Saint-Michel Notre Dame.


I would take the train RER B to station St.Michel which is directly opposite Notre Dame, visit the islands in the Seine. Have lunch at som restaurant terrace. Cross over the Seine at the tip of Ile de la Cité (Pont Neuf) to the right bank. Visit the Louvre - only from the outside - it is still a fantastic and %26quot;grand%26quot; palace.

A stroll down through the park (Jardins des Tuileries) with a drink in a café under the trees - go to the end of the park to Place de la Concorde.

Grab metro line nr. 1 (direction La Défense) up to the Arc de Triomphe (metro stop Charles de Gaulle-Étoile). A short walk down Champs Elysées if you like.

Take the metro line nr. 6 (direction Nation) from Charles de Gaulle-Étoile to Trocadéro, right opposite the Eiffel Tower. Walk over the Seine (Pont d%26#39;Iéna) to the tower.

There is a taxi stand to your right on Quai Branly between the tower and the Seine.

Taxi back to station St. Michel - train RER B back to airport - or let the taxi go all the way to the airport.

Idea ?


I think GitteK%26#39;s itinerary may be abit on the ambitious side for the time you have available. I like the one on the other thread better, but you will have to watch your time. Fortunately that post has made it easy for you to do this.

Grab something on the fly for your lunch and make a quick picnic by the Seine. There are lots of places between Luxembourg and Notre Dame cathedral and some of them even have food that is edible!

Also note my post on your other thread re buying a one day Mobilis pass.

Good luck! And enjoy Paris!


I agree re keeping it simple, RER to and from the

St. Michel-Notre-Dame station.

Schedules here:


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8 hour Itinerary from Monaco to Cannes

Our extended family of 9 (8 adults and one child) have a van and guide from 10 am to 6 pm in late June departing from cruise ship in Monaco harbor. We are sure guide will have some recommendations but we would like other input as well. Our preferences are to explore the beauty of the area (no shopping, except perhaps for wine). A couple of museums perhaps, (we will have beach in St. Tropez the following day), other major attractions. We love to walk and wander, and have a great French picnic lunch with wine in a beautiful location. We have already learned much from this great forum but would appreciate recommendations which keep us from trying to do too much, and which help us to know how to allocate our very short time.


Make a stop at Eze-village just to see the view of the coast--magnificent. Then drive around St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, a beautiful peninsula with the secluded houses of the rich and famous. If you have time, stop at the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild to see the mansion and the interesting gardens--seven different styles.

Nice has a number of excellent museums, including the Matisse , the Beaux Arts, the modern art, and the Marc Chagall. In the Cimiez district you will find Roman ruins, as well as the Franciscan Monastery church next to the city%26#39;s rose garden. The adjacent park, in front of the Matisse museum, might be a good spot for a picnic.

The Russian Orthodox cathedral of St-Nicolas is interesting to visit and brings memories of the days when the Russian aristocracy wintered in the south of France.

You can buy some French picnic makings at the open-air market in the Cours Saléya, as well as in shops in Vieux Nice.

After exploring a bit of the Nice area and having your picnic, head over to the perched village of St-Paul-de-Vence. Nearby is the Fondation Maeght, which has an outstanding collection of modern sculptures, as well as some paintings. Most of the collection is exhibited out of doors; a huge egg by Joan Miro sits in a low water-filled basin and is stunning.


Thank you so much Underhill. What you suggest sounds great.


You%26#39;re welcome--have a wonderful time.


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Removed on: 4:18 pm, August 15, 2009

Arc de Triomphe

I read somewhere in the Paris forum that a ¨must see¨¨ is a late night trip to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. But, websites I´ve consulted show closing time as either 6pm or 630pm. Can anyone confirm if you can get to top of Arc later than 6 or 630? Thanks in advance, you have been sooo helpful¨!


I don%26#39;t know which sites you%26#39;ve been looking at, but this is the official web site:


- from April 1 to September 30: 10 a.m.-11 p.m.

- from October 1 to March 31: 10 a.m.-10:30 p.m.

The cash desk close 1/2 hour before

Closed on January 1, May 1,May 8 (morning) July 14 (morning), November 11 (morning) and December 25

You buy a ticket in the %26#39;tunnels%26#39; under the Arc, but the entrance (to the stairs leading up) is on the ground level (a door with a ticket collector).

I%26#39;m sure that the sight can be impressive at night, but during the day it is equally splendid.


Thank you so much, I did go on the website you suggested, and, as you stated, it is open late. One of the websites I was on that gave the early closing time was This makes me question the accuracy of the rest of the info on that site!

Thanks again.


You want to go around 10pm as that%26#39;s when it gets dark there. I was surprised when we were there a few weeks ago at how late it is light out.


How much does it cost to go up? And are the stairs really agonizing?



If you are visiting other museums, your best bet is buying the museum pass, as the admission to the Arc is included. As I recall, the steps are spiral steps. It is a hike, and several young women were out of breath, but there are places to rest and the view from the top is spectacular. There also is a small museum on the top, where Napoleans war relics and other items are on display. It%26#39;s worth a look and allows you to catch your breath after the climb.


The great thing with the arc at night is that its litup, so its very beautiful to look at from outside, go up you can as well do during the day.

Amusez-vous bien à Paris!



There is an elevator, and I used to hear it was difficult to take it, but friends of mine took it with no problem. I have knee problems, so didn%26#39;t want to walk up the stairs. I will try taking the elevator next trip!



Thanks folks for that bit of info.


You%26#39;re very welcome :-)



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Removed on: 12:20 pm, August 15, 2009

Family accommodation outside Mont St Michel

Any suggestions for accommodation for 2 adults and 4 children outside Mont St Michel that is fairly cheap. We will have a car and will be there late September 2006.


whole bunch of motels right across the causeway... such as ETAP. cheap and functional.


The village of Villedieu is a short distance north of MSM.I stayed at a hotelwith the unusual name of HotelSt. Pierre et St. Michel.Comparatively inexpensive, a good restaurent, and away from the throngs of people at MSM.



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Lufthansa Airlines

We will be flying on Lufthansa on an overnight flight from Washington D.C. to Paris in a couple of weeks. Can anyone give me some info on this airline. I believe we get dinner served and I do believe we are flying on a 777. Thanks


I doubt you are on a 777 as Lufthansa don%26#39;t fly them. You may be on United on a LH codeshare.


We flew nonstop from Portland, OR to Frankfurt on Lufthansa and it had several pluses--slightly more leg room, fairly comfortable seats, good beverage service, very attentive hosts and hostesses,and even the children liked the meals. Negatives--both flights were very warm (we would get out of our seats and stand near the restroom area to get some air) and on one flight a tiny screen for viewing the movie making it hard to see--the flight home we had a large flat screen, much better--although the people in the middle of the plane were still stuck with the small screen.


We have only flown Lufthansa from Europe to other destinations, never from/to the US (those have been code shared with either United or US Airways).

Lufthansa is an airline with good, clean service leaving on time (more than 90% of the time in our experience). The flights have been smooth (except for the one funky landing from Pisa to Munich) this year.

Overall, we highly recommend it over counterpart airlines in the US.


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paris hotels

hotels in paris for a triple room at around 150 dollars in Marais, Latin Quarter or Il St louis.


There have been several threads on this subject.. so I recommend you do a search..

Most recently folllow the thread below.…

You may also want to specify when you%26#39;ll be travelling


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Fun bars and restaurants

Hi, My sister %26amp; I are travelling to Cannes in June - my sister has been many times and this is my first time - I%26#39;m looking for some really fun bars and restaurants in and around Cannes - my mum will be joining us so nothing too wild!! We have found a bar in Nice that plays reggae - anything in Cannes? SOmething laid back would be great - not touristy even better - thanks!


I spent a semester abroad in Cannes and we went to a place called Midnight Blues A LOT! Despite the name it wasn%26#39;t a blues bar. They sometimes had bands that played covers - U2 and such - and it wasn%26#39;t a bit touristy. The address is 10 rue Georges Clemenceau. The owner and bartender were extremely friendly and welcoming.


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Museum Pass in Paris

If you are coming to Paris you may want to consider getting the Museum Pass.

This pass is great - it allows you to jump the queue and saves you alot of money.

The cost:

2 consecutive days 30.00 Euros

4 consecutive days 45.00 Euros

6 consecutive days 60.00 Euros

You can purchase it in advance - the %26quot;consecutive days%26quot; start after you enter your first museum as you must put your NAME and DATE of the first use - then the %26quot;consecutive days%26quot; start counting.

Bought the 6 day pass and saved alot of money.

It also gets you into churches, Versailles, etc. NOTE - there are some places were you can not %26quot;jump the queue%26quot; for example Notre Dame.

Trust me well worth it.

The site for information on this Museum Pass is:

By default the page will view in French and you can click on %26quot;English%26quot; after the page loads.



We will be getting the pass, probably when we arrive.....but from what I understand my 16 year old does not need one....she gets into all places free. Since she will be with us and we will all have passes.........I assume she will need her passport to show her age???? She still gets to %26quot;skip%26quot; the lines right?


The policies of the places covered by the Museum Pass in terms of free admission for younger visitors vary from museum to museum. You really need to check the web sites of the museums you want to visit to be sure. Yes, you can skip the ticket lines in places where your daughter can get in free, but not the security lines.

I would not recommend that anybody carry a passport round with them in Paris or anywhere else where it is not absolutely required by law for that matter. Much better leave it in your hotel room safe IMO. Your daughter will be fine with a photocopy of the relevant page of her passport.


%26gt;%26gt;.but from what I understand my 16 year old does not need one....she gets into all places free. Since she will be with us and we will all have passes.........I assume she will need her passport to show her age???? She still gets to %26quot;skip%26quot; the lines right?%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

YES---With a few exceptions (most notably Invalides %26amp; Napoleon%26#39;s Tomb under 12 free) .

As for the PARIS MUSEUM PASS saving a lot of money, I suppose in theory this is true...but in practice, probably not. Odds are you will simply %26#39;..break even..%26#39;. It%26#39;s real %26#39;..value..%26#39; tends to be somewhat less tangible than simply %26#39;..cost...%26#39;. The in-tangibles will provide you with precious time saved waiting in line to purchase tickets.....and the ability to serendipitously %26#39;..drop-in..%26#39; on museums that you may know little or nothing about---just to see if it of interest to you--and either remain and tour through or move on to somewhere else as the mood and moment strike. More personal favorites and private gems have been %26#39;..discovered..%26#39; in this way that any other. There is also a third, somewhat odd) intangible %26#39;value%26#39; that Paris museums tend to have the best public restrooms in the city...and there are museums all over Paris.


Thanks for the follow up. I have researched the museum pass website and all the places we will be visiting do allow my 16 year old daughter in for free and I have done my homework regarding paying the price at the venues versus the cost of the pass. I do agree that we are only saving a few dollars, nothing significant but to me I will sometimes pay for convienence and this pass is all about that! On vacation is not the time to be waiting in lines! I will make sure to have a copy of all of our passports in our bag! We are Europe newbies and these little bits of information are all very helpful! Maybe common sense but in the midst of all the planning sometimes those common sense things so out the window. If there are any other %26quot;obvious%26quot; or not so obvious things for the newbies to know please forward one and all!!!!


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I will make sure to have a copy of all of our passports in our bag!%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

In addition to making copies of your passport information pages, also make two(2) sets of photocopies of all of your other travel documents---paper airline or train tickets,front %26amp; back of all credit cards you will carry, resevations confirmations and vouchers (copt paper iis cheap). Take one set along with you and leave the other at home with whomever is watering your houseplants, taking in the mail and feeding the cat. In this way, if all of the wheels come off of your wagaon at once, you will have the copies to use to fill out replacement forms or answer questions with specifics. More than likely, when you arrive back home, never having to refere to these photocopies, you may feel a bit foolish for being so worried as you feed them into the shredder....but if for any unforseen reason you need %26#39;em, they%26#39;re worth their weight in a ton of aggravation saved.


All excellent advise. I will take it and use it!


Hey KDKSail thanks for this succinct reminder about copying docs. I%26#39;ve already copied all the docs I have (no tickets yet) but when I did the credit cards, I didn%26#39;t do the backs. Makes good sense, particularly with that little number on the back that so many companies/organisations seem t o need these days.



Agree that you%26#39;ll most likely break even, cost wise..but that you%26#39;ll save a tremendous amount of time skipping the long lines.

Never considered copying the back of the cards..thanks for the suggestion


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